Dan Hatmanu -To the Galata Monastery


-oil on canvas



“In the first part of his creative activity he executed portraits and landscapes in a realistic-traditional vision, which he later abandoned in favor of a constructivist formula with figurative reminders and humorous nuances.

In 1945 he enrolled at the Institute of Arts in Iasi, where he had as teachers Corneliu Baba and Ion Irimescu, and graduated in 1950.

He gave a competition after which he received the Nicolae Grigorescu scholarship of the Romanian Academy, which consisted of one year of studies in Leningrad and one year in Paris. Thus, he attended advanced courses at the Repin Academy in Leningrad and the Free Academy in Paris, from where he continued at the International Institute of Pedagogical Studies in Sèvres.

He was a university professor at the George Enescu Conservatory in Iași, where he also held the position of rector.”

He executed book illustrations for works by Ionel Teodoreanu, Anton Bacalbașa, Petru Prânzei and Valentin Ciucă.

His works can be found in museums in Romania: the Municipal Museum in Huși, the Art Museum in Iași, the Art Museum in Piatra Neamț, the “Casa Simian” Art Museum in Râmnicu Vâlcea, but also in museums and private collections abroad: Rio de Janeiro, Valletta, Poitiers, Mexico City, Prague, France, Italy, Israel, Greece, Germany.

One of the most controversial paintings was the one in which the couple Elena Ceaușescu and Nicolae Ceaușescu collide a glass of red wine with the ruler Ștefan cel Mare, who takes out of the painting a hand in which he holds a glass. “